Fortum Yritys Duo - Combine the best features of fixed electricity prices and electricity exchange prices

The Fortum Yritys Duo electricity contract smartly combines the benefits of fixed-price and market-price electricity contracts. The contract includes a fixed-priced component for two or three years and offers the client the opportunity to save costs by timing their consumption. Fortum Yritys Duo offers predictability to your company’s electricity costs, and by allocating electricity consumption to less expensive hours (night-time and weekends, for example), you can influence the total amount of your electricity bill.

Fixed price
Stability with fixed-price electricity component

Fortum Yritys Duo offers stability to your contract, as the fixed price remains the same for up to three years.

Cost efficient
Opportunity to save on electricity costs

If you consume electricity when its market price is low, you can reduce your fixed electricity price.

Climate and resources
You support the devel­opment of CO2-free electricity production

The electricity in this electricity contract is produced in a carbon dioxide-free way. This is verified by nuclear guarantees of origin, which Fortum buys in the amount corre­sponding to your electricity consumption.

How does Fortum Yritys Duo differ from other contract types?

Exchange electricity contract

+ By timing your consumption, you can influence the total amount of your electricity bill

– There is always a risk of rising electricity prices

– Prices vary by the hour

Fortum Yritys Duo contract

+ Predictability at a basic energy price based on a fixed price (c/kWh)

+ Allocate your electricity use to cheaper hours to reduce the total amount of your electricity bill by taking advantage of the consumption impact based on the electricity exchange price (c/kWh). Depending on the timing of your electricity use, either a reduction or an additional fee will be applied to your electricity bill. The effect on the price is more moderate than in exchange price electricity contracts.

+ On average, electricity produced in low-cost hours is cleaner than electricity produced in periods of higher costs.

Fixed-price electricity contract

+ The agreement provides predictability and makes budgeting easier, as you know the energy price for the entire contract period

+ A fixed-price contract protects you from rising price levels

- You do not benefit from hourly price fluctuations and low prices as you would for exchange price electricity, but instead always pay the same price

The Yritys Duo contract is suitable for your company if:

  • Check Your company can time its electricity consumption
  • Check You want to influence the total amount of your electricity bill
  • Check You want to plan your company’s electricity costs in advance

What is the price of the Yritys Duo contract composed of?

The electricity bill consists of a monthly basic fee of EUR 5 (VAT 0%) and a fixed electricity price charged according to electricity use, which accounts for the consumption effect that varies monthly and either decreases or increases the price.

When signing a new electricity contract, the share of fixed-price electricity, which remains the same for two or three years, is set. This offers protection against changes in electricity prices. However, you can reduce the fixed electricity price by timing your consumption for periods of low electricity exchange price.

Save on your electricity bill by timing your consumption

If most of your electricity consumption takes place during hours when the electricity exchange price is higher than the monthly average price, the electricity price in your invoice will increase. If most of your electricity consumption takes place during hours when the electricity exchange price is lower than the monthly average price, the price of electricity in your invoice will decrease.

In other words, the hourly prices of your company’s consumption are compared with the monthly average spot price. The final monthly energy price is always composed of the fixed energy price +/- the consumption impact.

Track the hourly electricity exchange prices and time your consumption

Keep track of hours with lower spot prices in the Yritys Online service or on Fortum’s website.

Log in to Yritys Online →

Track the hourly electricity exchange prices →

Supplement your contract with additional services

You can add services to your company’s electricity contract to facilitate daily business operations. Such services make it quicker and smoother to do business, add safety and security to your everyday operations, and provide easy steps towards environmentally friendly business operations.

TLearn more about our additional services

Fortum Yritys Duo contract prices

2-year Yritys Duo contract

The price of the Fortum Yritys Duo contract consists of a fixed portion of energy (c/kWh), a monthly basic fee (EUR/month), and a consumption impact (c/kWh), which is based on the price on the electricity exchange, and which the customer can influence by timing their consumption. Before the contract period expires, we will send you a new offer. The prices listed are VAT 0%.


BreakdownGeneral electricityNight electricitySeasonal electricity
Basic fee/​month5€5€5€
Energy price6,39 c/​kWhdaytime 6,39 c/​kWhwinter daytime 6,39 c/​kWh
  night time 6,39 c/​kWhother times 6,39 c/​kWh

3-year Yritys Duo contract

The price of the Fortum Yritys Duo contract consists of a fixed portion of energy (c/kWh), a monthly basic fee (EUR/month), and a consumption impact (c/kWh), which is based on the price on the electricity exchange, and which the customer can influence by timing their consumption. Before the contract period expires, we will send you a new offer. The prices listed are VAT 0%.


BreakdownGeneral electricityNight electricitySeasonal electricity
Basic fee/​month5€5€5€
Energy price6,19 c/​kWhdaytime 6,19 c/​kWhwinter daytime 6,19 c/​kWh
  night time 6,19 c/​kWhother times 6,19 c/​kWh


The Yritys Duo contract is intended for companies with an annual electricity consumption totalling up to 500,000 kWh.

Frequently asked questions

What does the consumption impact mean?
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The consumption impact varies according to the hourly price on the electricity exchange and your company’s consumption. You can get the best of both fixed prices and the fluctuating prices of exchange-traded electricity.

  • Depending on when your company consumes electricity, either a deduction or an additional fee will be applied to the total amount of your invoice.
  • By allocating consumption to inexpensive hours, you can save on your electricity bill.
  • All consumption taking place during hours when the price of electricity is less than the monthly average spot price improves the consumption impact.
  • In the Fortum Yritys Duo contract, the final monthly energy price is always composed of the fixed energy price +/- the consumption impact.
  • Simply put, the hourly prices of your company’s consumption are compared with the monthly average spot price.
How is the consumption impact of Fortum Yritys Duo determined?
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The consumption impact refers to the days and the times of day when your company uses electricity most. As a rule, if your company mainly consumes electricity at the same time as other Finns, when the electricity exchange price is at its highest (often on weekday evenings), your price will increase. However, if you use electricity mainly during cheaper times (such as nights and weekends), your energy price will decrease.

The consumption impact is determined at the end of each month based on your hourly electricity consumption and the hourly prices of exchange-traded electricity.

The part of your company’s electricity consumption that takes place at times when the electricity exchange price is lower than the monthly average spot price will reduce the price of energy in your invoice. If your company consumes more electricity when electricity is expensive (often on weekday evenings), the consumption impact will increase the price of energy in your invoice.

If your company uses equal amounts of electricity when it is cheap and expensive, the consumption impact is 0 c/kWh, and you pay the basic energy price agreed in your contract for your electricity use.

As the consumption impact is determined monthly, any general increase in the prices of exchange-traded electricity will not affect your company’s electricity bill, because in the Yritys Duo agreement, the fixed price component does not change.

How is the consumption impact calculated?
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The consumption impact is calculated as follows:

The consumption for each hour in the calculation period, multiplied by the spot price for the hour, is summed. The result is divided by the total consumption in the calculation period, which results in an exchange price weighted by the customer’s consumption in the month of invoicing. The average spot price for the period is deducted from this.

The result describes the degree to which the customer’s consumption is allocated to inexpensive hours. If the figure is negative, the consumption impact decreases the customer’s electricity price, and if the figure is positive, the consumption impact increases the customer’s electricity price. However, the billing price for electricity cannot be negative.

The following examples describe how the consumption impact affects your company’s electricity bill. In the example, the price for the Fortum Yritys Duo contract is 13 c/kWh.


Consumption impact reducing the electricity bill:

If you time your electricity consumption to coincide with the hours with a price lower than the monthly average spot price, the consumption impact will reduce your electricity bills.

For example, if the consumption impact is -3 c/kWh:

The energy price billed in your electricity bill is calculated as follows: 13 c/kWh – 3 c/kWh = 10 c/kWh (+ basic fee).

The more you time your electricity consumption to coincide with the cheapest hours of the month, the more your company will benefit from the consumption impact, which in this case will reduce your electricity bill.


Consumption impact increasing the electricity bill:

If you time your electricity consumption to coincide with the hours with a price higher than the monthly average spot price, the consumption impact has a positive sign, which means that it will increase your electricity bills.

For example, if the consumption impact is +3 c/kWh:

The energy price billed on your electricity bill is calculated as follows: 13 c/kWh + 3 c/kWh = 16 c/kWh (+ basic fee).


If your company uses equal amounts of electricity when it is cheap and expensive, the consumption impact is 0 c/kWh, and you pay the basic energy price agreed in your contract for your electricity use.

What is the price of Fortum Yritys Duo composed of?
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The price of the Fortum Yritys Duo contract consists of a fixed portion of energy (c/kWh), a monthly basic fee (EUR/month), and a consumption impact (c/kWh), which is based on the price on the electricity exchange, and which the customer can influence by timing their consumption.

At the end of each month, the consumption impact is determined retroactively based on the customer’s hourly electricity consumption and the hourly prices of exchange-traded electricity.

The share of the customer’s electricity consumption that takes place in hours with a price lower than the monthly average spot price has a positive effect on the consumption impact, meaning that it reduces the price of energy. The consumption impact also works the other way round, that is, it can be negative from the customer’s perspective by raising the price of energy.

Compared to a traditional fixed-term contract, the Fortum Yritys Duo contract offers you the opportunity to reduce the price you pay. 

In the Yritys Duo contract, the final monthly energy price is always composed of the fixed energy price +/- the consumption impact.

How can I time my company’s electricity consumption?
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Timing consumption to cheaper hours means allocating electricity consumption to hours when the electricity spot price is lower than the monthly average price.

The price of exchange-traded electricity is determined on an hourly basis. When electricity use is high, that is, when demand for electricity is higher, the price is usually also higher. Historically, electricity is cheapest between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. By timing your electricity consumption to coincide with these cheapest hours, your company can influence the total amount of its electricity bill.

You can keep track of your consumption and the hours of cheapest electricity in the Yritys Online service or on Fortum’s website.

How does Fortum Yritys Duo address the climate?
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On average, electricity produced when the spot price is at its lowest is cleaner than electricity produced when the spot price is higher. Emissions from electricity production are at their lowest during these cheaper hours. Timing consumption to coincide with the cheapest hours on the electricity exchange is therefore also a climate action.

Contract terms in brief

  • The contract is intended for companies with a maximum annual electricity consumption of 500,000 kWh.
  • The contract is a fixed-term contract for two or three years.
  • The contract remains valid for the fixed term indicated in the contract confirmation, after which it will be valid until further notice.
  • The electricity supplied under this agreement is generated using nuclear power or renewable energy sources without carbon dioxide emissions. The amount of electricity to be delivered is produced according to the criteria described at